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이메일 주소 :   


  • 회원 : Jacksonville
  • [언어]日本語
  • 등록일 : 2023/12/06
  • 게재일 : 2023/12/06
  • 변경일 :2023/12/06
  • 총열람수 : 188 명
2024년 4월 15일 / Jacksonville / 기타

Rosie Revere, Engineer & Friends

Ms. Greer's classroom includes three inquisitive out-of-the-box thinkers. Rosie Revere has big dreams, Iggy Peck has a relentless passion for architecture, and Ada Twist's curiosity can drive her teacher crazy.

Ms. Greer's classroom includes three inquisitive out-of-the-box thinkers. Rosie Revere has big dreams, Iggy Peck has a relentless passion for architecture, and Ada Twist's curiosity can drive her teacher crazy.

주소 Jacksonville
일정 2024년 4월 15일
구체적인 시간
구체적인 행사장

비비나비 - 행사정보

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