Vivinavi is offering useful information for users through online seminars. You can participate in these seminars remotely (ex. from home, office, outside) if you have access to the Internet and devices. Please join us!

You can see the videos and slides of past seminars from Archive.

Please enter the form below to sign up for seminar.
We look forward to many applications.


Language:Japanese only
Settings:Internet connection, Application on computer/smartphone

* Participants can participate in the seminar without webcam or microphone. You may need webcam or microphone if you plan to speak up during the seminar.

* WiFi connection is highly recommended for smartphone or tablet. You may not be able to see some slides or videos on smartphone or tablet due to screen size limit.

How to register for seminar

Submit application from the form below
Receive instructions on how to connect to the seminar by email
Connect to the seminar online on the seminar date
  • We need to know the accurate number of participants to set up the best connection. Please submit one application per participant.
  • Please submit your application by 2 business days before seminar.
  • We will contact the registered email address if there is any change to seminar time or cancellation.
  • Seminar confirmation, log-in, cancellation emails may be filtered to a junk mail folder. Please resubmit your application if you have not received any email until a day before seminar.
  • If you have unsubscribed from Vivinavi emails, you may not receive log-in information. Please make sure to subscribe notifications from Vivinavi.
  • Please be mindful of your time zone and difference.

Vivinavi Online Seminar - Application Form

Participating Seminar จำเป็น
ชื่อ จำเป็น
ที่อยู่อีเมล จำเป็น

* We will contact this email address if there is any change to seminar time or cancellation.

Area of residence
Questions for Lecturer

* We may not be able to answer your questions during seminar.

ข้อสังเกต / หมายเหตุ